South Wales Evening Post - 21 November 2005
Swansea Council has put back the Service@Swansea report after questions from the Post.The report had been due to be tabled at a special cabinet meeting in County Hall on Thursday but that has now been cancelled after inquiries about its content. An authority spokesman denied a special meeting had been planned for Thursday.
But a council employee confirmed a meeting had been planned and the controversial e-Government report was due to be dealt with.
She said: "There is no special cabinet meeting this week. It has been put back. The e-Government report was meant to be on but it's not going now."
The report would have given approval for the deal between the council and Capgemini, the authority's preferred partner for Service@Swansea and its e-Government programme. The scheme will see a number of council IT staff transferred to the private company and will develop one-stop shops for taxpayers' queries.
It is expected to cost around £100 million during its 10-year life.Swansea Council says the scheme will generate millions in efficiency savings.The move has already caused controversy.
Last year worried IT staff went on an eight-week strike until guarantees were given by city leaders.