South Wales Evening Post - 29 November 2005

Three Swansea councillors have broken ranks and attacked proposals to close a city school. Lib Dem councillors Keith Morgan, Peter May and Rene Kinzett have all voiced concern about the possibility of closing Dylan Thomas School in Cockett and merging it with Bishop Gore, it has emerged.A report putting forward recommendations on the future of schools in the city is due to be completed within the next week.It is expected to back the merger plans which have proved unpopular with both parents of pupils at the schools and residents living around Bishop Gore, worried about the implications of increasing pupil numbers.Now the three Lib Dem councillors have added their voices to the calls for a rethink.Cockett councillor Keith Morgan has called for Dylan Thomas to stay open.He said: "I cannot see how the closure of Dylan Thomas school makes any sense, educationally or financially."The school's sense of community has fostered a positive learning environment for a wide range of pupils. I hope that the school can continue to serve the local community."Swansea Council has been forced to look at ways of saving money and identified surplus places in some city schools as a waste of money and resources, sparking the merger plans.Councillor Kinzett also raised concern over the move.He said: "I cannot support a proposal which involves spending large amounts of money converting the Bishop Gore site, when the schools reorganisation plans were supposed to save the authority money to spend on front-line education services."The council has been left with the big problem of what to do with the excess places in our local schools - we have too many classrooms and places for the number of pupils coming into our schools."This is leading to a situation where the council is spending money on keeping empty desks, rather than on books and teachers."The education department should go back and rethink its proposals."Council leader Chris Holley said the views of everyone involved would be considered in finding a way forward.He said: "The results of the secondary consultation are being taken into consideration and I am sure that Mike Day and his colleagues are examining the results of the consultation."Councillor Peter May, a governor of Brynmill School, one of Bishop Gore's feeder primary schools, said: "I hope the council will listen to these concerns and abandon the proposals to close Dylan Thomas."One parent of a Dylan Thomas pupil added today: "I am pleased they are speaking up."I just hope it has not come too late.''Labour leader David Phillips said: "They were happy to support the merger when they thought that parents, staff and pupils would be a pushover."Now they are just running scared and still playing politics in the process."This is not an education department plan - it is a proposal by the cabinet, and Rene Kinzett is its spokesman."

Your Views
Thanks Katy, it never occured to me that a controversial attempt to close Dylan Thomas school by a Lib Dem controlled council and a humilating climbdown following a popular campaign of protest was actually a device to "shaft" Labour. Incredible insight.
Jeff Margetson, Swansea
It appears that Labour have been well and truly shafted here. From remarks of David Phillips, it appears, perversely that they wanted the school to close for their own political gain. People are not stupid. Long Live Dylan Thomas.
Katy Moon, Sandfields
The three of them dont have the bottle to go up against the cabinet and lose money. They knew about the u-turn and wanted to get advance publicity.
Gethin Edwards, Waunarlydd
The attempt to close Dylan Thomas school was made by the cabinet and Rene Kinzett is their spokesman. He must have knwo beforehand that there was going to be a u-turn. The other two are just following him as fellow opportunists.
Alun Bowen, Gorseinon
John Matthews of Tycoch is right. Democracy in Swansea has never seen anything quite like it - it stinks of opportunism at the expense of kid's education.
Martin Bassett, Newton
It's obvious that the three councillors knew what going to happen and thought they would gt in first. Shabby stuff indeed.
Deb Thomas, Swansea
What a refreshing change. A Council has listened to consultation and 3 Councillors. Its a shame we didn't have this group when these same schoolchildren were putting their lives at risk by using a dangerous Leisure Centre.
Rachel Gonce, Uplands
I'm happy that the Lib Dems have listened and not whipped the 3 Councillors who spoke out. Democracy in Swansea has never known anyting like it.
John Matthews, Tycoch
If the Lib Dems wanted to make a point then Councillor Claire Waller would have spoken. She is governor in both Dylan Thomas and Bishop Gore if she can get to meetings on time.
Ken Davies, Cwmgwyn
How can there be a rift. No decision has been made. I thought that this was the point of a consultation.
Jane Culo, Cockett
Surely, the main thing is that the school didn't shut. I also understand that the Assembly have the final say, not the Council. So whats all the fuss about 3 people saying what they think?
Sonia Davies, Cockett
Very poor form from these 3 politicians. I have more respect for the ones that stuck with their plans, consulted and have decided against their own plans following consultation. Surely taht's the point of consultation? (It's just a shame that the culture makes people think the process is phoney.)
Sketty Resident, Sketty
Rene Kinzett tried to pull the same stunt over Mayals school by leaking good news and got caught out out. Now he is trying to do the same thing in Cockett. He is not on the side of anyone except himself.
Linda Bassett, Newton
These councillors are not speaking their minds, they are only interested in saving their own political skins. It was Liberal Democrats who wanted to close the school not Labour.
Martin Evans, Blackpill
I'm surprised at people condemning Councillors for speaking their mind. Are they disapointed that the school is not to shut. Would they rather it did shut for Labour to gain political points?
Barry Figo, Sketty
Surely, the main thing is that the school didn't shut. I also understand that the Assembly have the final say, not the Council. So whats all the fuss about 3 people saying what they think?
Sonia Davies, Cockett
Surely, the main thing is that the school didn't shut. I also understand that the Assembly have the final say, not the Council. So whats all the fuss about 3 people saying what they think?
Sonia Davies, Cockett
I wasn't aware of any decision being made. The three councillors have a right to a view just like any other citizen. Well done for sticking your heads above the parapet, (unlike the last lot!!)
John Farley, Tycoch
These people are just playing politics with our childrens education. They did it when they started talking about closing the school and they are doing the same thing now that parents have seen them off. We are not fooled.
Leighton Johns, Gowerton
Sorry Mr Farley, but unlike other citizens, these three councillors had inside knowledge which they have tried to use for political advantage. I am a parent of children attending Dylan Thomas school and I have received a today letter telling me that the plans have been abandoned.
K Cameron, Ravenhill