Editorial Comment
South Wales Evening Post -6 April 2006
Amid all the excitement of the opening of the Liberty Stadium, Swansea's athletes have been pushed to one side and shamefully neglected. The athletics track on Sketty Lane was a vital part of the reorganisation of the city's sports facilities. But the sportsmen and women who were promised so much, and agreed to sacrifice their Morfa HQ in exchange, are still waiting three years on.
This should be a huge embarrassment to Swansea council - particularly in the week after the launch of Swansea Futures' expensive campaign to promote the city on the international stage.
The campaign, whose slogan adorns the front page of this newspaper, makes great play of the leisure opportunities in the city that lend themselves to a good work-life balance.
Don't tell that to Swansea Harriers, who have been forced into a nomadic existence after years as fine ambassadors for the city, bringing glory out of all proportion to the size of the team.
It is astounding that the council will not explain the "small niggles" that have beset the track, or the misunderstandings with UK Athletics. Athletics may not be as high profile as soccer in this city, but we all deserve that the track open without further delay.