South Wales Evening Post - 20 June 2006

A High profile Swansea councillor has dealt the local Liberal Democrat Party a big blow by switching to the Tories. Rene Kinzett is the ward member for Mayals. He has been a member of Swansea Council since 2004.

Liberal Democrat councillor Kinzett had been hoping to become the party's prospective Assembly candidate for Swansea West, but was beaten by Peter May.His switch had been rumoured for weeks. It finally came late yesterday.

Councillor Kinzett said his decision to swap parties had nothing to do with that loss.

He added: "Who they chose to represent them is their business.

"I have been having discussions with the Conservative Party since before Christmas, well before that decision was made."

Councillor Kinzett said the appointment of David Cameron as the Tory party leader was a big factor in persuading him to leave the Lib Dems, but added he wanted to be sure the party was genuine about change.

"I wanted to make sure that changes happening in the party were not just on the surface.

"I wanted to make sure it was a deep change," said Councillor Kinzett.

His defection to the Conservative Party will not make any difference to the make-up of Swansea Council, as both the Lib Dems and Tories are part of the ruling coalition group. Councillor Kinzett said he believed other councillors could switch and said he expected Swansea voters to be attracted to the revamped Conservative Party.

"If the Conservatives were the only alternative but had Ian Duncan Smith or Michael Howard as leader then I would not be joining them.

"David Cameron is not tainted with the past."

Councillor Kinzett's move was welcomed by senior Tories.

Conservative Party chairman, Francis Maude, said: "Many Liberal Democrats have been attracted by the prospect of a new, re-energised, modern Conservative Party in Government and I am delighted that Rene has decided to join us."

The move has not gone down as well with Councillor Kinzett's former Lib Dem colleagues.

Councillor Nick Tregoning said: "It comes as no particular surprise to me that he has decided to jump ship to the Conservatives.

"The major policy he has aligned himself with over the last few years is Westminster or Assembly glory for one.

"I think people will question whether losing out to Councillor May is the real reason for his decision."

Andrew Davies, Labour AM for Swansea West also criticised the councillor , and accused him of opportunism.

He said: "It is no surprise that Rene Kinzett has joined the Conservative Party in Swansea.

"He is clearly an opportunist who desires power at any price and following his defeat in the selection process as a Lib Dem candidate he was clearly looking for another avenue to power.

"One has to ask, however, which specific policies of the Liberal Democrat Party and Swansea Council did Councillor Kinzett disagree with that led him to jump ship - Policies he had so passionately supported until this week?"


Your Views

I have to tell people that 'Rachel Gonce' is actually the alias of Cllr Peter May...the former prospective Tory Councillor Candidate for Sketty. He has used this cover name many times when commenting on news stories on this website.
Alex Colling, Swansea

It seems that Swansea is full of politicians who dont just change their tune once they are elected but also change their parties. Richard Lewis, Sylvia Lewis, June Stanton, Keith Morgan, John Bushell, etc. Even Peter May once stood as an independent candidate and both John Hangue and Ray Welsby used to be members of the Labour Party.
James, Swansea

Rene Kinzett and Peter May tried to worm their way out of being associated with the planned closure of Dylan Thomas schools (which they both previously supported). They are just as bad as each other and neither of them will get any votes from those parents who remember.
Linda Matthews, Cockett

How can Mr Kinzett want to be joining the Conservatives at Christmas but hope to represent the Lib Dems until last month. I bet the Lib Dems are releived that Peter May did beat him otherwise they would be looking for another candidate had Kinzett won.
rachel gonce, uplands

How can Mr Kinzett want to be joining the Conservatives at Christmas but hope to represent the Lib Dems until last month. I bet the Lib Dems are releived that Peter May did beat him otherwise they would be looking for another candidate had Kinzett won.
rachel gonce, uplands

As a local elector, I would like to know if Councillor Kinzett is going to resign from his council seat and fight in again in his new guise or has he forgotten why people voted for him?
Martin Johnson, Mumbles

Lid Dem and Tory, what's the difference anyway? They are both screwing up Swansea at the moment.
Aaron, Swansea

As a Lib Dem activist I am elated with the news of Rene Kinzett?s departure to the Conservative party. I am sure that David Cameron?s principle of behaving like Dr Jekyll in one day and Mr Hyde the next, will appeal to Cllr Kinzett. Maybe now he can figure out his stance on Iraq and Taxation which always seemed to trouble him before. On a more personal note I am relieved that the local Liberal Democrats will no longer have to deal with his childish bullying which I wouldn?t wish upon anyone, not even the Tories. If the Conservative party want a former Tory in Lib Dem clothing they are welcome to him. Good riddance Rene, you are of no great lost.
Claire Smalley, King Edwards rd, Bynmill