South Wales Evening Post - 30 June 2006

An investigation has been launched into leaked documents on a political website. Council leaders could face action after it was claimed that a political blog is, in fact, run by them.

If true, it means they could be held responsible for its content, including a detailed discussion of confidential council papers.

A complaint has been made to the council's corporate complaints officer Alison White. It is understood she will now investigate whether the site is run by the administration and if rules have been broken.

It had been widely assumed that Insideswansea was an unofficial Liberal Democrat site. However, the latest posting suggests it has official backing from Swansea Council's Liberal Democrat-led coalition.

It reads: "This is not a Liberal Democrat blog, it is run by, and on behalf of, the administration."

That admission could now land political leaders in trouble over confidentiality rules.Council leader Chris Holley said he had no control over the website, and welcomed any investigation.

He said: "I have got no problem with it being investigated because it will prove that it is not our website.

"This blog is absolutely nothing to do with the administration. I know the Labour Party has the same problem. We cannot control what people put on these sites."

The unofficial status of the site meant that procedures and political etiquette could be ignored.

However, if the investigation shows that it is officially sanctioned by council leaders it would be subject to strict local government rules.

The council has confirmed that an investigation is taking place.

Former administration councillor Ray Welsby, who has lodged the complaint, said: "Whoever is writing the site has made it absolutely clear that it is from the administration.

"A few weeks ago they were discussing red papers on the site before they went to cabinet.

"These red papers are supposed to be confidential. Because the website is now an official administration site they have to answer some questions."

The documents that were discussed on the website relate to the write-off of loans to the Liberty Stadium and the increased cost of the leisure centre.

Councillor Welsby added: "I have spoken to Alison White, the council's monitoring officer, about it. She is now looking at it and has told me she will speak to Councillor Holley."