South Wales Evening Postt - 22 August 2006

Swansea Council is refusing to reveal details of a £40,000 report it compiled on a building it does not own. The authority splashed out the cash on the Elysium building in High Street earlier this year.

The money was used to produce a feasibility study for the once-popular venue and was expected to suggest a number of potential uses.

The building was once the Labour party headquarters, a bingo hall and, before that, a cinema.It has been empty for years and has deteriorated into a rundown state.

Even though the council did not possess the building, which is owned by Townhill-based Tony Williams Ltd, it still earmarked the £40,000 to carry out the study.

But a request by the Post for a copy of the study has been turned down.

The Post had requested the document under Freedom of Information legislationIn its response, the council argued that releasing the information would jeopardise the commercial interests of the site owner.

A spokesman added: "While the issue is under consideration, it is not considered to be in the public interest to release the detail of its internal discussion."