South Wales Evening Post - 20 February 2007
I write in response to Tony Beddow's letter (Have Your Say, February 3) with the headline True colour or false?
Firstly, I would like to point out that Mr Beddow is a member of the Labour Party, and made comments about councillors Margaret Smith, Rene Kinzett and the independents at Swansea.
I would like to take this opportunity to inform Mr Beddow that I am the only true independent councillor on Swansea Council.
I am non-aligned to any political party or group, unlike the rest of the independents at Swansea who are all members of the Liberal Democrat-Independent coalition.
I was a member of the coalition, but left because it was not an open and transparent ruling coalition. It was controlled by the Liberal Democrats.
Also, members were always arguing over positions and money.
I could not put money or positions before the people of Swansea, so please, Mr Beddow, do not class all independents like the ones in the Lib Dem coalition.
Councillor Ray Welsby
Independent, Mynyddbach Ward