Western Mail - 7 February 2007
Politicians are being allocated hundreds of free tickets at the hugely popular Liberty Stadium, it emerged yesterday, as an opponent of the practice branded the freebies a disgrace.
The Ospreys regional rugby side and Swansea City FC have thrived at the stadium since it opened in 2005. The free tickets are available to Swansea city's councillors on a first come, first served basis, and are meant to be distributed by them to deserving people in the community.
But according to one disgruntled Independent councillor, the system for matches at the Swansea's shining new stadium is open to abuse, with individuals claiming dozens of tickets each.
Ray Welsby, who has called for the resignation of council leader and Lord Mayor Chris Holley over the issue, said, 'I am very unhappy about this and see it as a disgrace. This system of dishing out freebies has never been discussed at council and so far as I am concerned it should be stopped.
'I've had a small number of tickets myself which I have given away to people in my area who have done voluntary work. But a few weeks ago I was a bit surprised to be told there were no more tickets available because they had already been allocated.
'I decided to look into this and asked for details of who had been given tickets and who had been entertained in the council hospitality box. It's taken me three weeks to get the list and I'm totally shocked at the number of tickets some councillors have been getting. It seems to me there are no adequate checks on how councillors dispose of the tickets they are allocated - they could be giving them to their friends or even selling them, so far as I know. The stadium was built with public money, not by individual councillors. I don't think ordinary members of the public who have to pay for tickets will be happy with all these freebies.'
On the use of the council's hospitality box, Mr Welsby said, 'I fully accept the need to have corporate hospitality, where business people are entertained who may be bringing jobs to Swansea. The box should be used for that and also, in my opinion, for children from deprived areas to watch matches under supervision. But I can see no justification at all for nine councillors and the deputy chief executive to use the box to watch the Ospreys v Scarlets match on Boxing Day. Instead, the box should have been hired out to some company perhaps, with the money going back into the council's coffers.
'I believe this is such a serious issue that the council leader and Lord Mayor should resign.'
There were concerns about the accuracy of a list given to Mr Welsby by the council showing details of the number of tickets supposedly allocated to individual councillors. One councillor, who according to the list had been the recipient of 80 tickets - more than anyone else - denied they had received that many. Mr Welsby also said he had been listed as getting more tickets than he had.
A spokesman for Swansea Council said, 'The council's Protocol on Hospitality, which was agreed by full council in December 2005, highlighted the need to provide arrangements for the use of the Liberty Stadium. The protocol makes it clear than any councillor invited to an event by the council at the Liberty Stadium need not register it in the Members' Hospitality Register. Any councillor requesting tickets for matches at the stadium must declare any they receive in the register.
'The protocol also states that further practical protocols for council venues and events such as use of the Mansion House and the Liberty Stadium will be produced. They are currently being finalised and have been approved by our external auditors.
'In the interim, ticket allocation involving councillors and officers at the council is covered by the general protocol.
'Currently the council receives 10 tickets for regular sporting fixtures at the stadium, which can be used by ward members to recognise and reward members of the community. Each councillor, on a first come first served basis, can distribute up to 40 tickets per sporting year within their ward.
'A total of 400 tickets will be allocated per year; once this figure has been reached the opportunity will cease.
'The council also receives 10 tickets for each sporting fixture which can be used as prizes in existing awards schemes such as sports awards, community regeneration awards, community safety awards and design awards. This process has also been approved by our external auditors. This is a fantastic way of rewarding members of the community at no extra cost to the council.'
Mr Holley, who has no intention of resigning, said, 'I accept we will be criticised over this, but we are trying our best to be fair. If the system needs to be tightened up, we will look at that. It's very difficult to get businesses to come to the hospitality box on Boxing Day, but there were quite a few councillors who wanted to come along.
'The reason why a detailed protocol for the Liberty Stadium has not been put to council yet is because in his discussion with officers, the leader of the Labour group has said he is not happy about councillors being involved in ticket allocations. I would expect it to come before council in the next couple of months.
'I couldn't put my hand on my heart and say that in every case councillors have declared who the tickets have gone to. Ray Welsby is entitled to his view, but I believe there has to be an element of trust in accepting that councillors will allocate tickets to people in the community who deserve them, and not just give them to their mates.'