Power Struggle

S.Wales Evening Post Editorial - 3 March 2007

Swansea's ruling coalition now holds only 31 seats on the 74-member council. So what does this latest defection say about the balance of power at County Hall?

The latest councillor to jump ship, Rob Speht, says he is not aligning himself with any party. He wants to remain a Liberal Democrat, but voting according to his conscience rather than the party whip. So, if push comes to shove, what will be his priority - his conscience, or the future of the Lib Dem-dominated administration.

Councillor Speht blames his dissatisfaction on the cabinet system. He says it concentrates power in the centre and excludes non-cabinet members from the decision-making process.

Such criticism was made of the cabinet system during the previous Labour administration.

The system was introduced for speed decision-making, but this has not worked as effectively as was hoped. And surely the quality of the decisions made is what really counts in the long run.