
There's a lot of speculation as to what form the eventual coalition will take that will rule at the Assembly.

However, nobody is taking much interest in the two opposite coalitions at Swansea Council.
Firstly, there is 'Swansea Administration' consisting of Liberal Democrats and Independents who run the cabinet, making all the executive decisions.

The there is the 'PLC colalition' consisting of Plaid in bed with the Conservatives and Labour that controls all the chairmanships of all the committees and who also take 28 of the paid 38 financial votes with the PLC group.

Now we hear rumours of Plaid in Swansea West, who got thrashed in the Assembly elections, trying to distance themselves from the Conservatives. Perhaps this Plaid bunch do not speak for the Plaid group on the Council who are firmly in bed with the Conservatives and Labour.

If you vote Plaid in Swansea you get Tory and if you vote Tory you get Labour.
Perhaps Rhodri Morgan should look from Cardiff to Swansea for lessons in forming coalitions.

Cllr Ioan M Richard
Criagcefnparc, Swansea