South Wales Evening Post - 3.10.2007
Swansea Council's flagship new £83 million IT system will fall £900,000 short of expected savings in the current year.
The figure is revealed in a report to today's Performance Scrutiny Board.
It says the authority's eGovernment programme, which was supplied by Swansea IT firm Capgemini, will produce a shortfall of almost £1 million.
There could also be a "delay in fully implementing new systems".
The report adds: "Initial problems with the new systems have now been resolved to enable delivery of some benefits later in the year.
"Negotiations are continuing with the contractor in respect of the completion of payroll and other aspects of the programme."
A detailed status report, including any financial implications, will be presented to cabinet later in the year, councillors are being promised.
A Swansea Council spokesman said officers were "working closely with Capgemini to address the issues".
The deal agreed with Capgemini in January 2006 was heralded as a moneysaving and service- improving achievement.
The scheme was recently reported to be saving the authority £19 million less than hoped over the next 10 years.
Cabinet member for top performance and eGovernment, Councillor Mary Jones, said at the time: "The final benefits position will not be confirmed until Spring 2008."
A Swansea Council spokesman said: "The quarterly performance and financial monitoring report is a routine report designed to keep members informed of progress on financial matters."
It had been originally hoped that the new IT system would save the authority some £26 million over its 10-year contract.