South Wales Evening Post - 12 February 2008

Editorial Comment

Question: When is a water park not a water park? Answer: When Swansea Council says so.

The administration at County Hall, having made the bold decision to reopen the old leisure centre, and having largely pinned its chances of re-election this year on its success, is in danger of failing to get across its message. That could prove very costly for it.

It has made so much of the fact that the new centre, far from just providing a like-for-like replacement of the old, will give the city a unique water park with exciting new features.

It emphasised this again when it was challenged on the new pricing structure.

Even when it emerged that the slides and rides would not be turned on before 4pm each weekday, the council leader tried to explain it away by saying: "It's not the type of swimming pool that you go swimming in - it's a water park." So why are you shutting the water rides for most of the day to allow people to carry out swimming pool activities?

This newspaper still believes the new centre will prove a huge benefit for the city. Residents as well as visitors will enjoy what is on offer.

But the mixed messages threaten to undermine the administration's anticipated political advantage.