South Wales Evening Post - 25 March 2008
Tories in Sketty have come under fire after claiming they led the campaign against last year's Fflam Festival.
Ann Davies, of Swansea Neighbourhood Watch Association, criticised a leaflet issued by the Conservatives which declared there would be no three-day events "after our successful Conservative campaign against the Fflam Festival last year".
Mrs Davies said: "I think it is very wrong of them to send this out as canvassing material because it is not correct.
"I'm fairly angry about it, but the membership as a whole were exceedingly angry at our last meeting."
I am very, very disappointed. It is very misleading."I want a retraction of the claim," she said.
The election literature circulated under the names of Bob Dowdle, David Helliwell, councillor Tony Lloyd, Gay Mitchell and Christina Sumner - all candidates for the local council elections in May - went on to say that they were "opposed to any three-day events being held in the future at Singleton Park, to preserve our natural green space for the pleasure of the people of the City and County of Swansea".
Councillor Tony Lloyd, of Sketty, said: "I have written to Ann saying that I felt it could have been better worded.
"It wasn't our intention to steal the thunder from Neighbourhood Watch, but merely to tell people about our own efforts.
"I then went on to say that support for the police was part of the ethos of the Conservatives and that we have great respect for Neighbourhood Watch and the work they are doing.
"Many people are active in the Conservative Party and Neighbourhood Watch.
"The Conservatives did work against Fflam and we contributed a financial sum, some of us, to her campaign."
Councillor Lloyd apologised for the wording of the leaflet.
He added: "Sometimes even Conservatives get it wrong."
The Fflam Festival planned for Singleton Park last summer was heavily criticised by Sketty residents who feared anti-social behaviour, noise problems and drug abuse.
It was cancelled at the last minute because of bad weather.