Unite Against Fascism - News release - 19th Nov 2008
Earlier this week the full membership for the fascist BNP was released on the web. This list identifies that some of the fascist BNP members are teachers, prison officers and serving police officers.
Unite Against Fascism believe that it is in the public interest to identify BNP members if we are to prevent abuses. Not least that these people may have access to sensitive information and are in positions of influence in our public services.
The BNP are not a party like any other, it is a fascist organisation determined to use the respectable cover of public office to incite and spread racial hatred. The BNP has been exposed for its links to fascist groups around the world; it has leading members and supporters who have been convicted of racist violence.
The BNP’s politics of hate and division threaten the freedoms and safety of those they would see annihilated -- Jews, black people, trade unionists, Muslims and all ethnic minorities, gays and lesbians, disabled people and anybody who stands for a democratic society.
It is important that every BNP member is identified because of the nature of this organisation that espouses the politics of race hate and division and targets communities with its vicious race hatred.
Nick Griffin spoke with David Irving at the Oxford Union last year, with both supporting the theory that the holocaust did not take place. The fascist BNP’s leader was convicted of incitement to racial hatred for denying the Holocaust.
Robert Cottage, three times BNP candidate, was jailed in 2007 for having stockpiled chemicals, bomb making equipment and rocket launcher. Cottage was the latest in a line of BNP members and BNP councillors that have been found guilty of offences ranging from racially aggravated assault to attempted firebombing.
Jon Laidlaw, who told police he was a BNP member and wanted to kill all black people, was convicted in Feb 2007 after a shooting spree on the London Underground.
Former BNP member David Copeland terrorised London with a series of nail bombs targeting the black, Asian and gay communities. His third bomb, left in the Admiral Duncan pub in Soho, killed three people. Copeland told police that he wanted to ignite a race war to encourage white people to vote BNP.
Nick Eriksen one of the BNP candidates in London was forced to withdraw his candidacy, after he was exposed for writing sexist, racist and offensive comments on a blog in which he uses the name "Sir John Bull" .
We do not believe that children should be taught by someone who could abuse them because they believe them to be inferior.
The British National Party (BNP) through it’s acolytes, supports the Redwatch website which contains the names and addresses of those who oppose the fascists along with threats of violence against them. Some of those targeted by Redwatch have been attacked and intimidated. It seems that one of the BNP’s own have used their tactics on the BNP itself by releasing the membership details for all to know.
We must ensure that our public services are fascist-free zone. Press contact - Weyman Bennett , UAF National Joint Secretary on 07734032314 or 020 833 4916.
Notes to the editors:
In 2007, David Enderby British National Party (BNP) councillor for Winyates ward, Redditch, was found guilty of three counts of assault. In June last year, Kevin Hughes, Enderby's agent in the elections was sentenced to three months in prison for racially aggravated common assault.
BNP Parliamentary candidate for Hull, Brian Wainwright was found guilty after a campaign of hate mail against the local mosque, a Muslim councillor and a local anti-fascist activist. A letter in which he claimed, "Muslim blood will be spilt" included 'SS' scull and cross bones imagery.
BNP activist in Swindon Mark Bulman (who has used the pseudonym Bullock) was sentenced to five years in Jan 2007 after attempting to firebomb a local mosque using a BNP leaflet as a fuse. He also daubed swastikas and racist graffiti on local shops and businesses that he believed to be 'ethnic'.
In June 2006 BNP councillor Brian Turner was found guilty of a racially aggravated public order offence. He escaped a jail sentence and was instead ordered to carry out 300 hours of unpaid work in the community. Turner has previous convictions of common assault and police assault after he was convicted of beating up his wife Melanie Turner.
Unite Against Fascism is a broad-based national campaign aimed at stopping the BNP, which brings together Black, Jewish, Muslim communities and other faith representatives, Lesbian and Gay activists, trade unionists and MPs into an alliance with all those who are threatened by and oppose fascism.