Local paper is vital for us all

Have Your Say - South Wales Evenning Post - 20 April 2009

Your report [April 15] says that taxpayer-funded newspapers which are published and distributed free by council may be having a negative impact on independent newspapers (such as the Evening Post).

We then read the comments from spokesmen for the local authorities defending their role of communicating details of local services, policies and initiatives to local residents.

Of course, none of these council free-sheets carry a word of criticism of the local authorities. They are little more than propaganda outlets for the respective councils.

In a democracy a powerful independent and critical local press is essential. Howe else would we learn of the many questionable actions taken by our councillors and council officials and how would members of the public be able to voice their concerns and express opposition.

It is of great concern that because of the current economic crisis “50 or so newspaper titles are closing this year”. The people of West Glamorgan should support the Evening Post and other local newspapers. Should we lose them, our hold on democracy will be greatly weakened.

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