Swansea's councillors are facing some heavyweight bedtime reading this weekend as they plough through the 38 pages of the PriceWaterhouseCoopers report into the shortcomings of the Service@Swansea project.

The findings will be discussed by the performance scrutiny committee and full council next week, and could prompt some heated debates.

The report, in full, is available on our website www.thisissouthwales.co.uk. It is not for the fainthearted.

The main concerns flaged up in the report is that the potential risks of the project, and with other options available, were not explored in enough depth.

Also, potential benefits of the scheme were viewed over-optimistically, while concerns of senior council officers were not flagged up strongly enough to the cabinet members in charge.

It does sound that those at the top couldn't see the details for the blinding light of the vision.

It is up to experienced and and specialist officers to advise elected councillors on highly technical procurement details. But neither administration involved - the Labour cabinet that proposed it and the coalition which approved it - can escape the flak.

The buck has to stop with those we vote into office.